Terms of service

Please read this information fully to ensure you are aware of how the studio works as these terms may differ from other establishments.

Last updated 02.2024.


People under the age of 18 are not permitted to have services at our studio.

Gender inclusivity

All of our services are open to people of all gender expressions and non-binary people. Except for our Abdominal Release Enhancement which is not available to cis men.


Bookings can be made on the booking system or directly with the studio. Card details may be taken to confirm your appointment when required, and are saved securely on our booking system, Fresha. Failure to do so may result in your appointment being cancelled.

You will receive an automated booking confirmation email from our booking system, Fresha. Important: If you do not receive a booking confirmation email after making your booking online, your booking has not been finalised. Do not try to rebook but contact us immediately.

We are not responsible for errors when booking online or bookings that have not received the email confirmation that may result in services not being able to take place.

Payment is made at the studio either before or after your service in cash, card or payment via the booking platform, Fresha.

Same-day appointments can be made and in some cases, depending on availability, last-minute appointments can be made up to 1 hour before. The quickest way to book is via the online booking system here. We are not responsible for any availability shown or quoted.

There is no stated guarantee that we will respond to phone calls and messages.

Please ensure you are aware of the location of the studio before booking.

Operating Hours

Our opening hours are subject to change at any time and we are not responsible for opening hours seen/quoted anywhere. Opening times shown should be seen as a guide only. Please contact us directly.

Lateness and cancellations

The studio operates with a 48 hour cancellation policy.

If you are delayed for your session, please inform us (the studio) by calling or messaging. Every effort will be made to accommodate your full appointment but this is not guaranteed. Service time may be shortened to avoid delays for other guests and you will still be charged 100%.

If we (the studio) have to cancel your session for any reason you will be informed via the contact details you have provided with as much notice as possible. A refund will be given if you have prepaid for your session and an alternative appointment can be offered to you.

Behaviour and Conduct

We reserve the right to refuse service at any time, for anybody, and for any reason.

Please be fully aware that the services provided are strictly professional and It is expected that services are respected by you (the guest) at all times. If there is an indication that behaviour is attempting to corrupt the nature of the service or violate the service providers’ boundaries (physically or verbally) at any point, your session will be ended immediately and you will be charged. Other businesses providing similar services and relevant authorities will also be notified.

By choosing to receive services at the studio, you agree to not duplicate, copy, sell or claim to sell aspects of our services in any capacity.

Our studio operates strict hygiene protocols and we expect clients to attend appointments in a clean and hygienic state.

Pricing, Special Offers and Information

Prices are listed in EUR and are inclusive of 17% VAT. We reserve the right to change the prices of services at any time without notice. The latest prices are those listed on the online booking system, Fresha. We are not responsible for other prices listed, seen or quoted elsewhere other than the online booking system.

We reserve the right to change, cancel or amend special offers or discounts at any time and without notice.

Though we try to keep this site updated, we are not responsible if the information on this site is out of date or historic and should be used as a reference only. We have no timely obligation to update this site.


The services provided are within the limits of the certified qualifications in massage therapy and aesthetics and are insured.

All massage professionals have their own individual style within their specialized field and are at liberty to deliver the style of massage that is most appropriate and safe for you at the time of the service (based on the information you have given prior to the service commencement).

Not every service is the same or even similar. Not just between different therapists, but also between massages given by the same therapist. Please be aware that the services provided are highly personal in nature, in terms of both you as a client and as the professional, and due to these natural variations, although rare, it is possible that your service might not be what you expected, even if a therapist is equally as qualified and experienced as another. This does not reflect on their ability as a professional. In light of this, we do not offer services on a ‘trial’ basis in the form of a free or discounted services.


Though we pride ourselves on exceptional services and endeavour to ensure you are totally satisfied, if any aspects do not meet your expectations, please inform us as soon as possible so that the right amendments can be made to ensure the desired resolution moving forward.

Complaints can be made here