Good to know

We will always prioritise your safety and comfort by checking the pressure and your overall well-being throughout the treatment, and will only use techniques that are appropriate. But In order to get the most out of your massage, it is important that you are honest and open.  Feedback about the effectiveness of the work, situations that may have been uncomfortable for you, massage techniques that you enjoyed, massage techniques that you did not like, etc, is very important. Please feel free to share this information as you become aware of it.

In order to ensure your right to a comfortable massage that respects your physical and mental boundaries:

  • You may choose to leave on as much clothing as needed for comfort.

  • You will always be covered with sheets and a towel.

  • Only the area being massaged will be uncovered.

  • At the beginning of the massage, we will always discuss with you what areas will be massaged and you can decide to change this at any time.

  • The therapy room door is never locked, only closed during session however the front door to the studio is locked for privacy and security reasons.

  • You are free to stop or pause the treatment at any time without explanation.

  • You may refuse any massage methods.

  • Visitors may be present during the massage at your request, please inform the studio beforehand.